Oana Cosman


To decode the message in the field of tourism, it is essential to possess the terminological key, that is to know the terms of that field. The paper focuses on the inventory of specialized terms belonging to the paradigm of gain in tourism communication in Romanian and English, extracted from a self-compiled corpus of tourism texts with different degrees of specialization (education, media, brochures, electronic correspondence, etc.). The examination of various tourism terms is based on the use of analytical techniques that belong to corpus linguistics as it would be impossible to detect them intuitively. The benefits of using corpus linguistics techniques rely on the opportunity to identify new patterns (i.e. collocations) based on electronic data analysis. Thus, the study also describes the language of tourism using the notion of ‘collocation’ as we believe that we can master a specialized language if we can identify its specific collocations.


corpus analysis, language of tourism, paradigm of gain, specialized language, tourism terms


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