Gina Ionela BUTNARU


Tourism capitalises and exploits economically the unique thesaurus made of the richness created by nature and climate, or left by history, folklore and civilisation. In this tourist universe, the consumer’s power does not cease to affirm itself, and that is why quality is one of the main requirements. Starting from this idea, we elaborated the paper with the title “The impact of the quality of tourist products and services on the customers of a tourism agency”. The purpose of this paper is to find out the degree of satisfaction of the customers of a tourism agency concerning the quality of the tourist products and services offered. We tried to present the problems and the importance of quality in the field of tourism, and to find modalities for its estimation and evaluation, taking into account that the satisfaction of the consumer or of the tourist highly depends in a way on the quality of products and services offered. The research intended to gather, analyse, and process the data, to test the hypotheses, and to make the conclusions.


products quality; quality of tourist services; tourism agency; impact on customers


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