In Romania, Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) at national level is produced annually starting with the reference year 2011 by the National Institute of Statistics. However, there are no TSA data at regional level (for regions); worldwide there are few countries having such data (in the period 2018-2019 only fourteen countries were identified). The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of main results pertaining to regionalizing the TSA aggregates in Romania at the level of its eight development region. These have shown for the first time the economic size of tourism in each region in Romania. Hence the highest contribution to regional GDP in 2017 is found for South-East region (4.1%) over the national average (2.8%). At the opposite end, there is South-West Oltenia region with the lowest contribution to the regional GDP (1.6%). For the period 2011-2017 there are remarkable developments for Centre region that has increased its share to the national tourism direct GDP (from 10.9% to 15.3%); this is in contrast with Bucharest-Ilfov region that registered a decline of the same share, from 36.2% in 2011 to 28.9% in 2017. Still, Bucharest-Ilfov region accounts for over one third of internal tourism consumption in Romania.
Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare în Turism (en. National Institute of Research Development in Tourism), INCDT (2020) Compilarea pilot a unui CST la nivel regional în România (en. Pilot compilation of a TSA at regional level in Romania), Bucharest, October 2020
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2013) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2011 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2013
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2014) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2012 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2014
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2015) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2013 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2015
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2016) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2014 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2016
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2017) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2015 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2017
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2018) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2016 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2018
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2019a) Contul Satelit de Turism. Anul 2017 (en. Tourism Satellite Account. Year 211), December 2019
Institutul Național de Statistică (en. National Institute of Statistics), INS (2019b) Conturi naționale regionale. 2012-2016 (en. Regional national accounts. 2012-2016), December 2019
TSA:RMF (2008) Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework by United Nations, Statistical Office of the European Communities Eurostat, World Tourism Organization, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations, Luxembourg, Madrid, New York, Paris, available at

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